Current Block
Rarity Chance
Last Block
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  • Wallet balance: N/A

  • Pay for 1 Ordinal

  • Mint your Ordinal using your wallet

  • Mint Type: Fair Mint
    Starting September 15th, 2023 ( Block 1 )
    Offensive Wampires is a digital art collection fully inscribed on the Bitcoin blockchain using recursive inscriptions and ordinal theory. It is fairly launched, with everyone being able to participate in the sale. There is no maximum cap but there is a maximum time cap, meaning that at the end of the mint, the generator will be sent to Satoshi Nakamoto's wallet ( hope he don't rug ).
    Mint Method
    Public, Random, No pre-mints, No VCs, Self-Custodial
    Ordinal, BRC-69
    Unlimited, time capped ( 688 blocks )
    Max Mint
    5 per wallet
    Onchain, at the end of the mint.
    Has to be during the night tho, don't want to burn your Wampires...
    cuz that'll suck :(
    Please connect your wallet to see your purchase history
    What do I need to participate?
    You need a wallet ( xVerse, Unisat, OKX Wallet ) and Bitcoin in your wallet.
    Why is there a reveal?
    In order to ensure fairness, the minting process is public and random. Everyone has the same chance of getting a rare Wampire with a rare SuckPower.
    When will the reveal happen?
    At the end of 6,880 minutes or 688 blocks since the start of the mint, we will inscribe the reveal script onchain.
    What is the speed time of the mint?
    It varies from 30 minutes to 1 day, depending on the selected fee.
    What is the rarity?
    The rarity refers to the graphical elements and the SuckPower for each Ordinal. It is not related to the satoshi rarity.
    What is the rarity chance?
    The rarity chance refers to the chance of minting a rare Wampire Ordinal in the current block. The chance drops with each block and so does the SuckPower.
    Where will I get my Wampire Ordinal?
    The Wampire Ordinal will be delivered to your connected wallet address. Make sure it supports Ordinals.
    Can I use Metamask or Trustwallet?
    No, since those wallets are not Ordinal compatible.